

Haimen Rapidcast Metal Products Co.,Ltd is a professional in manufacturing precision die casting of zinc alloy components. We can produce very tiny part of net weight from 0.1g to maximum weight of 100g achieving a precision accuracy of 0.01mm. Not only that, we R & D and build multi-slide casting machine for our own usage. We are able to provide for the medical, communications, automation, hardware, consumer electronics, automotive and other industries qualified products including multi-processing design, manufacturing, die-casting, post processing, surface treatment and product assembly. We will continue to expand production. Effectively tracking the changing needs of customers, based on our ability to provide customers with timely qualified products they want.

地址:江苏省海门市高新区华瑞路10号 电话:0513-82207212 邮箱:jack.sheng@rapidcast.cn
Copyright ©2019 海门茂融金属制品有限公司版权所有 苏ICP备19033808号-1 技术支持:裕福科技友情链接活动板房 南通调查公司不锈钢真空泵 活动房 南通绿植租摆 电池隔膜 高分子导轨 氟乙烯挤出机 南通公司注册 超高分子量聚乙烯 碳纤维表面毡 短切碳纤维 南通侦探 活性炭过滤器超高分子量聚乙烯异型材南通吊车南通吊车出租